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Professional work that I'm involved in. And more importantly, proud of 🙂

Webgis Indonesia

Part Time Frontend Engineer

December 2023 - present

Webgis is a leading GIS company in Indonesia. Working on their CMS product called Geoportal

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Part Time Fullstack Engineer

April 2023 - present

CobaUjian.com is an all-in-one Indonesian tryout website that provides online simulation tests that empower more than 3000+ indonesian. I built the product from scratch.

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Stealth Startup

Part Time Frontend Engineer

August 2023 - May 2024

Working on all-in-one productivity app with aims to develop SMEs. Mainly works on Meeting Modules though creating new features and bug fixing


iOS Developer Intern

May 2022 - May 2023

Worked as part of the Talenta Time Management Team. In addition to doing junior engineer tasks, I also initiated the implementation of a new library that affected the entire internal development process.

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Bunch of things that I did for fun (and deadlines)


Kata is an all-in-one iOS language learning platform for Indonesians to learn 10 different languages. Kata also supports keyboard extension.

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Share Tweet

Share Tweet is an tweet image capturer. The purpose of this project is to create 16:9 tweet images that users can share

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Submission for Garuda Hacks Hackathon 4.0. My team and I created this site with the idea of enhancing Indonesian literacy by providing a platform to share and receive books.

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Web Frontend Experiment. A web experiment that I conducted while studying frontend technologies. It is currently under development for other platforms.

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You Do You

Apple WWDC 2022 Submission. A WWDC Swift Student Challenge 2022 submission that was accepted among 350 other students worldwide.

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Digital Thoughts

iOS App. My first iOS app, launched while I was studying at the Apple Developer Academy.

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School Project. Periksaparu.com is a web app designed to detect lung diseases. My team and I created it for one of the largest student competitions held by Indonesia's Ministry of Education. We were selected as one of the top 10% of teams, earning funding for further research.

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